System Level Configuration
When the Whole is More Than the Sum of the Parts
Knowledge Bridge is uniquely capable of system level configuration
More than generating a newly designed product, ETO/CTO systems configuration generates fully functional marriages of multiple products that must work together. System configuration is a magnitude more complex than configure-to-order / engineer-to-order (CTO/ETO) product configuration. And Knowledge Bridge is the solution that is uniquely suited to deliver real results.
Enables System Functionality by Combining Components
How Things are Connected – the Key to Successful System Design
System Level Configuration enables the configuration or design of systems of independent components – independent and interdependent, as when the interposition of a valve affects the flow rate in a pipe system. The system must be designed for functionality that is enabled, not by a single configured component, but by the combination of components, and the combination must satisfy engineering constraints.
For example, a substation must transform and divide electrical power for distribution with minimal energy loss, but the only way to achieve this is by a combination of components such as switches, transformers, capacitors, etc. Similarly, a hydraulic pressure reducer set may be made up of gate valves, check valves, pressure reducers, shut-off valves, and one or more bypasses.
A system solution is comprised of independent components connected into a system. To meet the desired system functionality, the components must each be selected, sized, and often configured – or even engineered – and then connected to meet the system requirements.
As with automated product ETO/CTO, system configuration automates complex configuration, geometric, and engineering rules that uniquely apply when multiple products must be gathered into a functioning whole. kBridge can uniquely handle all the complexities of system design.
kBridge Handles Engineering, Performance, 3D Spatial Arrangement, & Visuals
kBridge can handle this because it natively builds models that slot into a topology, a carefully engineered design in which components are interrelated and arranged – and it can generate topological visuals as well, including schematic diagrams: process flow diagrams, electrical 1-line drawings, and P&ID drawings.
And kBridge can handle component placement in 3D. In this step, often complex relationships between components must come into play, as when thermal or electrical behaviors, or accessibility, or weight distribution, or available space must be accounted for.
kBridge characteristics that make it well-suited to System Level Configuration:
kBridge is based on declarative rules that translate functional requirements into calculated and generated engineering parts and their properties – not assembled from frozen choices, but generated on the fly.
kBridge can model and configure functional elements using engineer-to-order configuration rules. For many examples see our website.
Because kBridge is not based on a master model, it has the flexibility and power to generatively configure components that are networked together in new and unique ways each time.
kBridge represents the topological relationships between the components. kBridge can traverse the interconnected product capabilities as it implements system-level rules.
kBridge can represent each of the components as 2D elements as well as the connections, including 1-line diagrams, process flow diagrams, or other schematic representations.
kBridge can also represent 3D, as-configured components and implement rules about the placement, layout, and spacing of the 3D elements for clearance, safety, or maintenance, etc.
kBridge’s unique visual configuration capability enables users to arrange components easily, whether in 2D schematic mode, or in 3D space
Finally, kBridge enables any number of drawing sheet and document outputs, important for capturing as-built designs for future maintenance, and especially important in regulated industries and building and construction – or for system documentation and renderings for visualization or sales requirements.